Since its my turn to fetch yean to college today, so i've decided to fetch her despite she is having the so called "Blood-shot eyes". I was dare enough to take risk being sitting in the same car with her but i insisted to ask her sitting behind of me and shut off her mouth. Yes, driver of the day.No choice la. She kept chit chatting with me while i was driving. I knew its been quite some time we didnt sit in the same car and gossiping about others. She didnt shut off her mouth as she kept bullshitting with me in the car. I saw her holding my bottle when she entered my car. Gosh, my lovely bottle T.T . Its was 'infected' by the viruses on her hand. Hell ya. But i just kept quiet.
LOL. Yean wore her so called 'yeng hak chiu' to college. How funny! She borrowed from her lovely daddy as her mum doesnt want to lend her.Hahas. I guess everyone was looking at her when she came out from my car. It's strange to see people wearing sun glasses and walking around in the college. I kept reminding myself for not going near to her but everyone seems doesnt understand my feelings. They said im cold blooded and asking why i wana abandon her in the class?LOL. Anyway i have my own reasons. I dont wana get infected by the so called Blood shot eyes and surely i dont wana get my eyes covering with all SHITS when i woke up early in the morning. Its not nice having all DRIED SHITS covering with your eyes as u cant open your eyes naturally. What u need to do is to use ur fingers to help in opening ur lovely eyes. She even told me how awesone was the process of producing shits in her eyes. It came out like tears. LOL
Yean , YingYi and I skipped PF lecture as we have an very important task to be completed. Things must be settled down by today so we sacrifice a bit la, we help them to accomplish this mission. LOL. We sacrificed our time waiting so long in KTM and we have to dine outside for our lunch =.= .But nvm, we have our best friend, MCD which always stand by us whenever we feel hungry and poor. Thanks MCD for being so loyal to us and we LOVE u MCD! But seriously I dun really wana See MCD tat often actually, coz its not gud for our health. I've been eating MCD for almost every week or every outing. Its a must go place for my every outing =.= But i guess i wont be seeing MCD in this few weeks as final is around the corner.
Ok cut the craps.
We've spent around........2-3 hours just to hunt for the things tat we wanted to buy. Things get done at around 4pm. Yeah, we are happy with the results. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. YAY.
*Thank you wingkhong for helping me to collect my exam slip*
This is the ROCK ANGEL!COOL rite? But bear in mind, u will never be COOL when u r having BLOOD SHOT EYES. (and SHITS covering with ur eyes)
Yeah, This is how the ROCK ANGEL behave in the class. She never be serious when comes to studies.Oh now i realised she had changed her lovely bottle. Perhaps this POKKA HONEY LEMON bottle meant a lot to her?
We are not in Brickfield's. LOL. KL lang shud know what im trying to tell. Last but not least, a very COOL pic drawn by Cheah Hui. Rock Angel Rocks!