

35mm- 27mm wide angle

After reading so many articles in forums, i still dun get the meaning - "35mm format equivalent"

SHE shero

S.H.E released their album! Any S.H.E supporter here? Send me their song! Argh....Wish Hebe Happy Birthday!
The Ads are back the Ads are back! Please click on the Ads!

Error: Page Not Found

OMG i tot my Google Chrome kena virus. I always see " Error: Page Not Found" everytime I visit to Cheah Hui's Blog. Now only i realised that was her blog's name. U scared me lo, cheah hui. Put a better name la!

Bro's 22nd Birthday.

Wish Bro a Happy 22nd Birthday!
* sis told me: 姐,明天电视有做色戒. hahaha.

New Template.

I've finally decided to change my blog template. The old one was a bit boring...i guess my readers already sien with the APPLE in my last template, especially when there is no update from me. So now, i changed. From the template that i have chosen, you will know how much do i love the earth. um...see my background,its in green! hahaha.

Very sad to say, im unable to join the earth hour today coz i will be celebrating bro's bday outside. haha, too bad...dont judge my love to the earth.

Just 2 more weeks, i will say goodbye to the ULTRAMAN, MYOB tutor. I hope not to see him in future, anymore. Pek Cek everytime when i hear his voice, see his SMILEY FACE. Oh crap, disgusting. Excel Tutor even heard me complaining the ultraman( BOTAK), kekez. He got stunned. kekez. Too bad, gona continue level 3 MYOB next sem, the uncontrollable one, haha.

I feel sad when i think of the Convo.


Botak again.

Now i know who were the 5 person who copied each other's MYOB and made the whole class to redo with them. How dare you guys photostate JS's report and pass up the photocopy to the botak? Lucky that he didnt ask us to pass up the PO report last thurs, or else i guess the whole group of u will get 0 marks for coursework. =O

Glad that i had passed the 1st tamadun test. Next test will be this thursday and same to myob trial test. Excel bring home coursework will also be given soon.

So...erm....i gonna submit the evaluation form of lecturer on thursday, so botak pls watch out. I am really dissatisfied with ur performance,the way u teach, the way u speak, the way u scold us, the way u smile at us and one more thing, the way u ask ur student to MASSAGE your hand! You are so disgusting, sarcastic. I know i will be taking MYOB again next sem but i hope i wont see u anymore. The text book teach even better than u do.

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta was awesome! Hope to go again next year.I love Putrajaya!

3 weeks lagi

Argh, i wana update but i have no idea what to write about!
ok make it short.
Seriously i HATE MYOB very very much. As well as the bald uncle tutor. Re-do-ing MYOB is not an easy task as i have to follow every single page with every single steps. Almost 90 pages to be done. I've been re-do-ing the Purchase Order chapter for more than ...5 times. Sigh, now pendrive also kena virus ady, another pendrive lost. Bad luck.

3 more weeks to go and i will say goodbye to MYOB. I swear i will nvr touch MYOB after sem3. NEVER.

Cheah hui, dun forget about my CHOCOLATE. Diploma is going to end soon, so dun pretend u duno anything abt the chocolate thingy. Pls steal ur sis's choc as soon as possible wei. hahaha


明明就是很简单地跟着那些步骤来做,可是就是老是做不好,一直碰钉,看着同学们做出来的report,然后再看看自己做出来的是不一样的,又开始觉得懊恼了。我真的很怀疑自己的学习能力,还是说我已无心向学? 又或者是我能推卸责任说老师教不好,教太快我吸收不到? 还是责怪自己说自己懒惰?

上学期的成绩已出炉,果然是有“惊喜”。No,有“惊”但那个“喜”就...用得比较不恰当。不是“喜”事一宗,但也称不上是“悲”。若用“马马虎虎”的话又好像不是很贴切,所以may be 差强人意? 可能我对自己的成绩没有很满足,看着自己辛辛苦苦建立的点数重重的跌了一大round,试问有谁是不失望?

我总是觉得在写这篇文章的时候,好像有一种约束。那种非笔墨能形容的感觉,但我相信这种“写日记”的方式的确会比较沉闷,正经一点有不好吗? No,是该正经的时候就正经,该玩的时候就玩。何时正经何时三八那就视乎你自己对该情况的判断力了。

最近又好像回到了考试前的那种“生活”了,我这里说的生活非那种每天做notes啃书的生活,而是觉得自己的饮食习惯又回到了当初,no,不是当初,是几个月前的那种。不是不是,我用错词了,不是生活,而是习惯这次比较贴切。就是那种习惯。 就每天吃很少的,然后回到家“病情”视乎更严重,简直不想吃。就好像刚才的晚餐那样,我为自己舀了一碗白饭,自己独自对着一碗肉汤还有一盘炒杂菜,我吃了两口白饭,两“粒”椰菜花,还有一小口“猪肉”就不想吃了。我把饭,菜,汤都倒掉了。我就是没有胃口,我就是不想吃!现在呢.....就开始饿到有点胃痛了。等下去睡觉就没事了应该。

刚才看看了MattaFair的一些广告,有一股想去旅行的冲动! 有台湾,香港,韩国........还有很多很吸引我的旅游配套。真的是看的目不转睛,然后再开始自己幻想......那种沉醉在自己的世界里的感觉是很棒的,因为没有人可以打搅你,在自己的世界里,你想怎样就怎样无须顾虑一些有的没的。就像现在凌晨1点多,我多么希望可以望着天上的星星,然后再沉思,然后再进入那种自我催眠的状况。






我可以很肯定地告诉你,我对Tamadun Islam是零知识。
前几天也因为上Excel 和MYOB课的时候跟不上老师教的东西
Tamadun Islam的assignment,还有coursework,还有MYOB 要print 出来还有一大堆做不完的东西,让我觉得透不过气来,有时的确是觉得很辛苦,学院生涯的确是过得没什么意义。



Time passes really fast and is March now! 15 days of Chinese New Year has ended and there goes my last semester for Diploma and results will be released in one week time! Anyway I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst for my results. Sigh.

Happy Birthday to Woo Chin Lek!
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